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Enhance Your Credit Report

Let's Fix Your Credit Score Now

We Use Industry Leading Tactics That Permanently Delete Unwanted Items!

award winning credit
repair company

Since 2012, Flat Rate Credit Repair has been helping individuals fix their credit and live their dream life!

why having great credit matters

Society has become increasingly dependent on using credit to make purchases and decisions. These days, good credit is used for more than just getting a credit card or a loan.

More and more business are making the case that you must have good credit before they extend products or services to you.

  • It affects where you live and how much you pay
  • It affects what you drive and your car payment
  • it can affect your job search
  • It affects your ability to obtain funding to start a business
  • it affects other monthly bills.

what is a good fico score?

The most well-known credit score is the FICO score, created by the Fair Isaac Corporation.

There are many different FICO scores used by lenders, which range from 300 to 850.


Generally, a FICO Score above 670 is considered a good credit score on these models, and a score of 750 or above is considered to be excellent.


award winning credit
repair company

Since 2012, Flat Rate Credit Repair has been helping individuals fix their credits and live their dream life!


First, we analyze your credit reports and work with you to identify any questionable negative items which are hurting your score. We’ll build a custom game plan based on your unique situation.


Next, we challenge the identified negatives with the credit bureaus and your creditors. If they can’t prove that the items are accurate, fair and substantiated, they are required by law to remove them.


When a negative item is removed from your credit report, we briefly celebrate (sometimes with cake). Then, we get back to work, tackling the other questionable items still on your reports.

Stuff we remove

what we can offer you today

fast results

As we offer unlimited services we get our clients to their goals a lot faster.

unlimited items

Where most companies charge a monthly fee to do a maximum amount of work, we offer an unlimited service that is much faster.

personal service

We dedicate a specific "expert" to each client who knows your file in order to provide you with the best service.

what our clients
are saying

Below are comments from our clients who now enjoy the life of their dreams!

Ready to start fixing
your credit score?

one-time fee

All for a One-Tine Fee of $1500 $2,500!


945+ Reviews